Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

Okay, Spot, you little smoochy, cutie-pie! I know, I know. That red leash is way too tight. Tell your mama to loosen up a bit. You are a big boy!! In fact, you, my friend, are a "tween-ager!" 

Tonight all the Mamas and the Papas came for Intermediate School Orientation Night. Sometimes...they are so nervous, they can barely sit in their chair. All the big shots at school talk at them, but they're not listening. You know what the Mamas and the Papas do? They stare at us...the teachers! They are one big checkin'-out-the-teachers-2-C-if-we-gonna-take-care-o'-their-babies group!! I don't blame them. I'd wanna get a feel for the people that are really gonna be on the frontline with my kids too!

We have to tell them, though...they've gotta lighten-up a bit. No hovering, no over-controlling. We really do know what we're doing in that school up on the hill. The intermediate model is a great thing for you, Spot! We ease you off the leash, but we keep our eyes on you too. You get to become a social being. I like parents to stay in touch, though. You are not off the hook, Spotty boy. Parents should never, ever stop watching, talking and snuggling you...because we want you to do well in this world. So Spot, you are growing up--but tweens always need the big people in their life to be a part of their life. Congrats, there little are movin' on up!

Oh...and if anyone remembers Junie------she was the tour guide from heaven, leading those Mamas and Papas too, on the tour of their life! She kept them on a quite the tight leash. 


  1. My middle child will graduate HS on Saturday. The middle of five, he was the child of my middle age - my new family with the same husband. I told him today, I feel as if he was the one that I was graduating WITH. He is the only one who struggled with 'who he was' throughout his K-12 years. I hear that is a "middle child" issue. But come Saturday, when he gets his diploma, I will remember none of the struggles that brought us here. I will especially gloss over the middle school years, when I even taught him, and he would be the one to try and sleep through my class....But I will remember all the hugs and snuggles that got us to this day. I will be grateful to that person who reminded me that all teens need a "hug a day" to make it through those years. That, I will always remember.

  2. He is so lucky to have you in that cheering section of his! Now try not to sleep through graduation!! ;)
